Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday Evening
Another day fading into night, and things are about the same.
It was my first day back to school after the break. I got up at 4:15AM so that I could shower and dress ahead of the regular morning parade of medical students, residents, and actual doctor types. I straightened and tidied; helped Master into the bathroom -- and back out of the bathroom. I made sure that He had a fresh pitcher of ice, a fruit flavored drink, and clean linen on the bed. I tried to hang around for all the various doctors, so I was still here when the gang of medical students and residents appeared to change the dressing and packing associated with the infection in His belly. It is not a pleasant prodedure -- it hurts Him terribly, and it floods the room with a nasty stench. I wanted to wait for His surgeon to arrive, but I couldn't do it; I had to leave. We waved goodbye, and I took off for the parking garage.
I stopped at a local grocery and bought microwaveable "Lean Pockets" to store in the faculty freezer, so I have something to eat at lunch this week. I got to school about 7:35, and had just over 20 minutes before my kids arrived. From that point on, it was the usual whirl of activity, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with my students.
After school, I headed home to pick up enough clothes to make it through the rest of the week, and headed back here to relieve T and her mother (they spent the afternoon here with Master).
By the time I got here, they had done the procedure to establish His PICC line, so that part of life should be easier. They have also identified the two types of bacteria that are responsible for the infection that we are fighting, so they should be able to more specifically choose appropriate antibiotics. Master was still feeling very worn and miserable, and is becoming very frustrated and depressed by all of this...
They had discontinued giving Him the Pepcid -- one of the medications they have been using to try and alleviate the nausea. When I asked the nurse why, she said something about it being "the hospital policy" to end it after a certain number of doses unless the doctor orders it continued. When I asked her whether she was going to contact the doctor, or if we needed to do that, she agreed to call the resident on call. I also asked her if there was anything else that might be tried for this problem and she did ask that as well, so we have a new anti-nausea medication and a different pain medication. All of that seemed to make the night way better. He slept finally.
I am off to school, and He is going to rest, walk, and breathe. I imagine that we'll be here a few more days. Then maybe home again.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mistress Trixie on the warpath!
First thing this morning I received an extremely apologetic call from the Head of Nursing. She was fabulous when we were there together and she had already been to Tom, this morning, before calling me. While I was on the phone with her, I had another call beep in and it was Patient Relations. I called her back with all of the details of Tom's Hideous Saturday and she, too, was extremely apologetic and said she would stop in when I am there this afternoon.
Sue has returned to school....no rest....no break....nothing but worry and work for her these past few days. My Mom is coming to get me and take me to spend the afternoon with Tom. I need to get some eyes on him.....and a couple of kisses, too!
I was hot. I was less than gracious. I told everyone like it was and that it was NOT as I expected my husband to be treated. I am thinking of taking a paddle with me today.
I have heard that Tom's favorite PCA is on today. That should greatly improve his care and emotions.
Just go off the phone with Tom...today he is having his PIC line installed. I am sure he will be glad to be rid of the arm IV. He is still not eating much and when he does, it mostly comes back up.
Mom overslept and just called all upset. I tried to settle her down, but she feels like she has let me down by not being on time. Usually I would be stressing, but it is not worth it. We will get to Tom as soon as we can. He is going to be cared for If I have to wack them all with a stick!!
Trixie, signing off!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Master is still hospitalized, and really struggling. The doctors have FINALLY decided that He has a major wound infection. They re-opened His incision this morning, and extracted a lot of clear, foul-smelling fluid. It is now packed and covered, and they are running two different IV antibiotics. It does appear (to my untrained but dedicated eyes) that the angry red is receding on His belly this afternoon.
We still have no verdict on what is causing His diarrhea, although it does seem to be slowing down. Perhaps it really is a normal post-surgical bowel pattern. I hope so.
We were visited just a few minutes ago by an infectious disease specialist who has indicated that they will be establishing a PICC line and starting a course of vancomycin in the next 24 hours. This will be some pretty intense treatment, but feels promising as an approach to fixing all of this. I hope!
This afternoon, I've gotten Him cleaned up and into a fresh gown. He is now tucked back in and sleeping fairly comfortably. I am almost daring to hope that maybe things are improving a bit.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Cast of Characters

Kerlakian has a couple of partners who seem to be competent enough although neither of them inspire the same confidence as he does. One of our issues at present is that Dr. Kerlakian left yesterday to travel to Memphis for his daughter's soccer tournament. Although I understand that doctors need to have lives too, I am nonetheless frustrated that Kerlakian's life had to happen just now. We really need him here!
Kerlakian gets followed around by a whole gaggle of medical students and surgical residents on rotation. Most of them are as bland and dull as white bread. Perhaps they haven't arrived at the point in their medical educations where they are taught to exhibit personality -- where they learn to relate to human beings as part of their practice. Blech! The one oddball fellow in the group is a young medical student who we've come to call 5AM Nick. He is the first one on the floor every morning, and comes bounding into the room promptly at 5AM with a thousand questions. In the beginning, we found Nick to be awkward and moderately annoying, but he is so gosh darned earnest that it is hard to not like him.
We had excellent nursing care during the first part of our stay here at Good Samaritan Hospital. The nurses and Personal Care Assistants that attended to Master and T after their surgeries were very good. Megan and Meghan, Tracey, and even Jodie (who sometimes seemed very brusque) were all very good, each in their own way. The PCA team was helpful and friendly and supportive. Carol, a great, tall, warrior woman, was cheerful and efficient, and she cheered for every accomplishment. We all got very fond of her. Sarah and Amanda, likewise made so many things about our early days here much easier.
During those first days we met and became very fond of the Nurse Manager, Sherri Joyce. She was quite intrigued by our family and by the "couple" surgical adventure that we were embarking on. We spent a lot of time talking with Sherri, and she was clearly very proud of the team of nurses that she had working under her supervision.
When Master and I came back here in the very early hours of Friday morning, we first came into the Emergency Room. There is major construction happening around the outside of the hospital, and the entrance to the emergency room is far from obvious. I drove us around and around, until finally, in desperation, I pulled into the space that was marked for ambulances only, and ran in to see if I could get someone to help us. A very kind, gentle voiced nurse, actually came outside and walked around the side of the building, guiding me to the place where I needed to go. Once inside the place, we found that the gentle voiced fellow would be Master's emergency room nurse. His name was Michael. Michael's kindness and compassion was simply remarkable to watch. He made what was a very stressful time just a little more bearable.
Then, we came back up to the same surgical floor where we were earlier in the week. Except that, these last few days the level of care and attentiveness has been much less even. The nurse who was on duty when we first came up seemed alright at first, but when the first IV faltered, she told us that she couldn't start an IV -- didn't know how. Really? A nurse who cannot start an IV? As it turns out, it was a sign of things to come. We had an older nurse during the night last night, when things were so terribly difficult. I believe that she was well meaning, but she seemed very old fashioned and unwilling to act as our mediary with the doctors. She just kept feeding us the same useless pablum until we finally got frustrated and made it clear that something needed to be done or there was going to be real trouble. Today, throughout the day, we've dealt with "nurse" Angela. Angela got herself into a snit very early on, as Master opted out of taking a number of His usual medications. He is choosing to wait to resume many of those during this time when His newly remodeled stomach is being so sensitive. Angela clearly disapproved of His choices, and made her feelings very clear. For the rest of the day, she was largely absent, only coming in when she couldn't avoid it, and then providing only the most perfunctory level of care. Randi, the PCA was just frankly not interested, and seemed to spend most of her shift sitting and chatting at the nurses station. Tonight, finally, we seem to have a pretty good team again. Tracey is back. She's wonderful! The PCA is a delightful young woman named Kimmie, and just having her around seems to lighten Master's mood.
I am hoping that tonight will be better than last night. Soon, within the next few days, we'll be heading home. The days here in the hospital will blur into memory. I wanted to have a record of the cast in this part of the saga.
Now I am Angry
Master had a serious coughing fit that lasted well over an hour starting at about 1:15 AM, and in spite of our repeated requests for something to help manage the ferocity of the cough, or at the very least, some way to reduce the pain He experienced because of it, we were met with indifference, hostility, and a general attitude of condescension. When I finally got stomping angry over it all, the night nurse gave in and called the resident to come look at the situation. He insisted that they wanted Master to keep coughing; that coughing is an important part of getting well; and he was simply unwilling to give Him anything to quiet the spasms. When I got my back up and told the arrogant jerk that this was NOT simply coughing; it was violent and wrenching and was leaving Him gasping unable to catch His breath. The best that the "medical professional" could offer -- IV morphine for the pain. There was just one problem with that BRILLIANT idea... Master's IV port had stopped functioning at around midnight, and no one in this supposedly "excellent" hospital was able to get a new IV started, even though four so-called "experts" tried. Some of those efforts were just brutal. They finally gave up on the whole business, and the coughing calmed on its own. At about 3:30 this morning, He and I finally fell into an exhausted sleep. We were not awakened by the usual parade of residents until 6 AM.
They did finally find someone who could efficiently and effectively re-establish His IV port this morning, and so as of now, He is once again being given IV fluids and antibiotics. He's also been given the go-ahead to restart clear liquids, so He's been given some apple juice and some sugar-free jell-o and a little warm tea. He did regurgitate a bit of that, but so far most of it seems to be staying down.
This morning, He has experienced repeated bouts of diarrhea, and there is some thought that perhaps He has now a C-diff infection. We are waiting to be able to get a stool sample that can be cultured. T is at home, and doing well, but understandably worried and wanting to be able to see Him. I may go home and get her later in the day and bring her down for a visit, but I am reluctant to do that until we know what we have going on here. She is doing so well. We do not need to expose her to some nasty bug and send her into a tail spin.
Mostly I am angry -- beyond angry, I am furious. The very excellent care that both Master and T received in the days immediately following the surgery has devolved to a style of medical practice that is seeming resentful, parsimonious, and just at the verge of neglectful. I am very aware, this morning that, had I decided not to spend the night here last night, He'd have been all alone in the face of the coughing and the horrible IV debacle; and no one would have cared. I find that just outrageous.
I am exhausted, but I am more than determined than ever that, one way or another, we will get the care that is needed here, and He will get better, and I WILL take Him home.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Friday Evening Update
The working diagnosis, at this point, is that Master has a post-operative ileus -- a temporary paralysis of a part of the intestine, causing food and liquids to back up rather than flowing through as they should. This is apparently a fairly common complication after abdominal surgery. The doctors do not seem to be terribly concerned, and are basically telling us that the treatment of choice is to "rest" the
I've been in regular contact with T, who remains at home, and she continues to do well and feel good. She has reduced her pain medication, and feels really well. We've discussed it, and as it stands right now, I'll likely spend the night here at the hospital with Master. If T needs me, a phone call can take me to her side in about 25 minutes.
One really good piece of news in all of this confusion and worry -- As of this morning, four days out from surgery, Teresa has lost a total of 21 pounds. How kewl is that?
Here we go again
Master is not.
They've admitted Him to the hospital and will be administering IV fluids.
He was feeling some better when I left, but surely not as well as we'd hoped He would be by now.
I'm going to try and get a bit of a nap. I am simply fried from lack of sleep.
His clothes are in the washer, and when they are dried and ready to go, I'll gather up the things He will need and head back.
This was the thing I dreaded -- that Master and T might end up in two places, and I'd not be able to be around for them both. Fortunately, T's mom will be down this afternoon, and so perhaps there'll be a bit of coverage at that point.
Meanwhile, I am trying to stay calm. This is a bump. The doctor is taking a very serious, very conservative approach, but then that is likely why his mortality rates for this surgery are so much lower than most other surgeons. He'll treat whatever this is as aggressively as possible, and soon Master will be home and feeling better each day.
Not a good morning....
They called the surgeon, who is not terribly concerned, but will meet them at the hospital after the emergency room evaluates him.
I wanted to go. I am doing fine and almost feel guilty that Tom is not. But Sue will have her hands full and I do not need to add to her stress level over this. They PROMISE to call me ASAP. I am positive they will keep me in the loop.
It is 2:16am... And I am blogging to keep myself from being so scared. Say a prayer. I am sure he is fine. The surgeon said he was...but that doesn't relieve my anxiety one bit.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
We're Home!
Thanks for all of the well-wishes and kind words. I am behaving and a stick is not required for that to occur (so far). Sue is good. Tired, but good. And now that we are all home, she will be even better. She has been eating meals and napping right along with us, so she is doing fine. Tom is exhausted and, since his surgery was more extensive than mine, a bit slower on the recovery. But he is doing fine and will be back to top form in short order.
I think a nap is in order for me.... Thanks again, Everyone!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 3
We slept last night -- all of us (although the hospital "chair-bed" was a horribly uncomfortable sleeping platform, and has been summarily banished to the hospital corridor).
T is doing wonderfully; taking in clear liquids and off of all her pain medications. She had an exciting early morning as she got her IV tangled in her bed sheets and then pulled it out. She was on the way to the bathroom at the time and so proceeded on in to pee and then trooped down to the nurses station to get it taken care of -- dripping blood the whole way (can you see where I am going to have trouble with her behaving well once we get out of here?). Anyway, she is completely off the IV, and had her first shower this morning. Hooray!
Funny sidebar storyline -- we have a weird, geeky little resident dude that is always the first one into the room in the morning. He is awkward and lacks even a rudimentary personality, and his bedside manner is rough and jerky. He encountered our T in the hallway this morning (at 5AM) trucking to the nurses station with her hospital gown flapping, dripping blood. Solicitous fellow that he is, he said to her, "you might want to tie up your gown -- it is open in the back." To quote T, "I was dripping blood down my arm! The fact that my ass was showing was the least of my worries."
We do have the official word from the doctor this morning that all of Master's x-rays are fine. Today, they'll move Him off the IV pain medication, and start Him on the clear liquid diet. It is possible that T could go home today; Master will likely be discharged tomorrow. So, one of the discussion topics as we go through the day is whether/if we should do that -- splitting the two of them up, or stay together until they can both go home at once.
For today, the big anticipation is for the return of bowel movements. Both are passing gas and urinating normally, so that is really the last important function.
They are about to bring in "breakfast" trays, so we are off and running for day 3.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Yes, I am...
The answer is, "yes." I am eating as well as I can in the hospital cafeteria. The food is not spectacular, but it isn't awful, and there are some reasonably healthy choices. So, I was able to get some Cheerios and a banana and some yogurt for breakfast this morning. I had some pizza and a salad for dinner. Not five-star restaurant fare, but serviceable. I'm working hard to stay hydrated -- I have my trusty water bottle. None of us slept well last night, but I am hoping tonight will be better. With luck, we'll maybe be home in our own beds tomorrow night.
I do understand and appreciate the concern from everyone. Thank you, all. I do know how important it is to stay well and strong so that I can do what is needed for the next few weeks. Further, please understand that while He is currently not feeling strong, He is not unaware, and if I did not take care of Master's property, there would be a reckoning.
I am being good. Relax everyone.
Day 2
Both Master and T were taken for a GI scan early this morning. T's came back good, and she's cleared for clear liquids. She is off the IV morphine, and has had no additional pain medication since about noon. No more catheter either, and that surely makes her happy. She's been walking all over the place and really doing very well. She isvery tired this evening, but then, we all are. Hopefully, she'll get a better night's rest tonight.
Master's day has been more problematic. They worked for much longer to try and get His GI tract X-rayed, and just could not get the contrast medium to pass through. They had to come back a couple of hours later in the day and take another shot, and then later, they took Him back and did more X-rays AND a CAT scan. Finally, at about 5PM, they decided that all the connections are fine, and that the flow through the system is as it should be. There seems to be trouble with His bowels; they are in some sort of post-surgical shock which is preventing materials from being passed on through as they should be. At one point, in the early evening, they contemplated entubating Him as an approach to relieving some of the internal pressure, but they opted out of that and are simply allowing things to follow a natural course. He is uncomfortable with lots of intestinal gas and cramping. He's also still dealing with some significant nausea. He too, is off the catheter, so that is some progress.
We are all doing pretty well. Things are moving along. Thank you for all the good thoughts. It really is very encouraging to all of us.
24 Hours
It was a long day yesterday, and a very long night.
We asked the hospital to bring a "chair-bed" so, I'd have some sort of reasonable sleeping spot. No such luck. So, I bedded down in the recliner in the room. It wasn't bad, and I wasn't in it for very long at any one time...
I think we were awake every half hour to 45 minutes all night long for one thing or another. Pain pumps and leg compression pumps seemed to go into alarm mode all night long. There were repeated visits by the nursing staff as they checked vital signs and blood sugars and urine outputs and... Master has had a fair amount of trouble with nausea, and a significant level of pain, so I was up several times helping Him.
This is a teaching hospital, so the parade of wannabe doctors began just after 5AM. One resident after another came in to peer and poke and stand around awkwardly. We saw the surgeon at just about 6:30, and he seems very positive and upbeat, although there is some thought that Master's ongoing nausea might be due to swelling. Hopefully, if that is the case, it will resolve itself through the day today, and things will improve.
Both are scheduled for a GI series this morning. The X-rays will tell doctors how things are moving through the modified stomach and bowel, and will also show any leakages. If those come back "all clear," we'll begin to see some good progress: clear liquids will be introduced and we'll get them off the catheters. If I can get back on here later, I'll update when that has been completed.
Monday, March 23, 2009
All is Well
Both are sipping water and tolerating that fairly well. They've had times of queasiness, but no serious nausea which is a very good sign. T has already been up and walked the length of the hospital hallway. Master is due to sit up for the first time in about 15 minutes.
We are all fine. I haven't been able to get connected to the hospital network all day long. Just finally managed to get a connection, so I apologize for keeping everyone waiting to hear. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back tomorrow and update you all.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thank You...All of You
t and I both are remarkably calm tonight. I am not so surprised about t. She has had a positive attitude about this throughout this process. I have had times of great anxiety and even doubt, while knowing in my head that this is for the best for us both. Today I am almost feeling relieved. I have a number of crises that cropped up in the last few weeks before this at work, that had me very distressed to be away at this time, resolved in the last week. My father, is home and seemingly well, despite the grave concerns they were having about him yesterday morning.
I am not at all naive enough to believe this is going to be easy, comfortable, or fun, but I am somehow resolved and feeling that all will be well and this won't be as bad as it seemed it might to me at one time. If I have fears and worries it is for t and sue.
I just need for my two loves of my life to be OK through this so we can be one together for the rest of our very long and healthy prosperous lives.
Thank you doesn't begin to express my appreciation and gratitude for your good thoughts, energies, prayers, caring, and friendship.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
P. S. We are told that there is wireless Internet for patients at the hospital. swan will have her laptop there and we hope will be able to be in touch and to keep you abreast of developments and to receive your support.
12 Hours 'til Surgery
We are to arrive at the hospital at 5am and my surgery is at 7am. I am ready. Now that Dad-in-Law is home and surrounded by his friends, lady-love, and fellow "Inmates" (as he calls them), I can relax about all of that.
I am not that worried about the surgery, I have confidence in the Surgeon and I don't usually get too worked up over being cut on. And I have been cut on ALOT!
My worries are mostly: That Tom will be in pain and the morphine will make him sick. That Sue will over-do and wear herself out trying to do everything. That Tom's Dad and/or my Mom will try to come to the hospital during the few days we are in hospital and I will have to worry about them being on the roads. That Tom will try to go back to work too soon and wear himself out.
I Know that the hospital has said they will control the nausea and pain. I know that Tom's Dad is NOT coming to the hospital. I am pretty sure that my Mom will stay home unless there is an emergency. I think Sue and I can keep Tom from over-extending himself. But I think the long-shot is keeping Sue from wearing herself down to a nub. She will do everything she can to make sure we are comfortable, safe, and pain-free and will not take care of herself as well as she should. She is worried and I have done as much as I can to relieve her of some of that worry.
Say a prayer to whomever you pray to. This is going to be a fantastic journey. I just want all of us to be well enough to share the joy.
Day 13 Report

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dad-in-Law is better!
All signs are that we will have a Dad-in-Law returned to his apartment and lady love tomorrow.
At this moment, surgery is back on for Monday 7am!
I am exhausted....today has sucked in ways too numerous to count. Tom has gone to visit his Dad now. I am off to the couch and JD Robb.
Day 12 -- One Thing After Another

Friday, March 20, 2009
Day 11 Report
sue gained a pound too yesterday, to get to 194. There seems to have been a wave of weight gain in the heron household.
t, though, had better results. She lost a pound down to 287 and so is down 12 pounds now.
So on it goes. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and we will be done with this phase and then it is on to surgery for t and I, and the beginning of care giver role for sue, Monday.
In response to M:e yesterday, we both passed our presurgical physicals with flying colors so everything is in "go" mode.
All the best and thank you for all your support.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What We've Learned About the Liquid Diet

- 1/2 cup fat free, vegetarian soup (Amy's or Hain's)
- 1/2 cup of oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, or Cream of Rice
- 1/2 cup of fresh fruit (1 cup of berries)
- 1/2 cup of sugar free applesauce
- small salad (lettuce, tomato, and onion) with fat free dressing
- 1 serving of sugar free pudding or jello
- 1 cup of V-8 vegetable juice or tomato juice
Day 10 Report
I am down another pound at 282.5. Thus, I have lost 18.5 pounds in 10 days. Swan was down a pound and tells me she is down 9 pounds overall in her shadowing us with a less extreme diet. I haven't seen t so we will have to Blog her progress later.
Thanks again for every one's support.
P. S. I am adding late this Thursday evening after this evening's meeting that t neither lost nor gained anything when she weighed this morning after day 10, so she continues to be down 11 pounds. Thus, we three are down 38.5 pounds overall for ten days on this presurgical diet.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Day 9 done
Anyway the wild news is that I awakened today (after my first good night's sleep in two nights and sleeping in to 7:30 to boot)to find that I weighted 283.5. That's right, after the pendulum swung one way yesterday, taking me back up a pound, now in the reverse swing I went down 4.5 pounds, so a net loss for the two days of 3.5 pounds. Thus I am now down 17.5 pounds in 9 days! Sheesh, I really can't believe this. I can't tell you how many people on my staff have said, "Why don't you just do this diet and skip the surgery?" Of course I am not sharing with them what this is doing to my health. Overall though too, I continue to have ideal blood sugars as well: this morning at 94. I am cold this morning, and can't seem to warm up. My rings are suddenly falling off my fingers.
t this morning is essentially at the same weight as yesterday. She is up fractionally. She bought a new scale right before this and it registers weight in tenths of a pound (mine only in 1/2 pounds). It says she is up slightly but it is not enough to report. So essentially she continues to be off 11 pounds for the period.
sue, who is not really following this diet (and we have told her not to,...it is not healthy)has regained a pound and a half but is still down a very respectable 8 pounds over the 9 days.
So overall we are off 37.5 pounds for the 9 days among the family.
I always appreciate all the support you all have rained down on us and it truly has helped, but never more so than did the wonderful comments yesterday as I/we coped with my sudden weight regain. I understood in my head all the things you all said, but it didn't change the way regaining some weight made me feel. Hearing (well reading:) what you said to me about that really made the emotionally negative aspects of that event way more tolerable and less discouraging.
Thank you, once again!
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dream. Live the life you've imagined.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
8 Days Down
t this morning is down a half pound and so has lost a total of 10 1/2 pounds. Sue has once again to day remained static neither gaining or losing so she continues to have lost 11 1/2 pounds. So overall we have lost 34 pounds in 8 days. Obviously the dramatic rapid weight loss we experienced in the very beginning has subsided. I actually regained a pound.
Hopefully t's and my livers are both shrinking and shriveling up to tiny little nubs of their former selves. It is good to remember that it is that shrinkage that was the purpose of this diet and the weight loss, that we so much appreciate, is only a side effect.
Thank you for checking in and, once again, for all the supportive comments.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 7 Report
t lost another pound today and is now down 11 pounds for the week. sue and I each weighed exactly what we did yesterday and so she is still down 9 and a half pounds and I am down 14 pounds for the first week of this. How one maintains one's weight eating like this I don't know but that was my result yesterday anyway.
This will be a hectic week. I have evening meetings almost every night and swan has some. t of course has her usual demanding four ten hour day schedule. I am trying to get a lot done before my absence.
So all in all we have lost 34 and a half pounds in one week. I suppose it is likely that we will not see the same dramatic losses this week we saw the first week.
Thank you again to everyone whose commented for all your support.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Another Strange Day
Neither Master nor I lost any weight yesterday. See my pouty face?
Master has an evening meeting tonight, and will likely not be home at all until close to 8:30 or 9:00. Both Master and T have appointments at the hospital this morning for the pre-surgical workup. They had to be NPO after midnight, and so were both carrying all the food for their day with them. Talk about a major logistical challenge! There are protein drinks; some mixed with milk, and others mixed with juice-flavored drinks. There is soup and salad for lunch. There are apples for some meals. There are pills to be taken for morning, noon and evening.
His "lunch bag" weighs a ton!
I just hope it all works out ok.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
6 Days Down
Our results this morning are juxtaposed from previous days. This morning it is I who is down just 1/2 pound at 287. So I've lost 14 pounds overall. t is down 1 pound and so has lost 10 pounds overall. And swan, drum roll, is the big loser of yesterday down 3 pounds. swan has now lost 9 and 1/2 pounds overall. So we lost 4 and 1/2 pounds overall between us and have lost 33 and 1/2 pounds overall as a family.
Damn! a third of a hundred pounds own between us in 6 days. Who would have thought?!
Tonight at midnight we will reach the halfway point in this pre-surgical two week liquid protein diet. I guess that means we have reached the point of no return.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Your support
Thank each of you for your friendship.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
They had hoped that I would quit drinking prior to this diet so I could get "used to" not drinking anymore. I didn't do that. It seemed illogical to me. It seemed like if t or swan were going to go away for a long time, perhaps I should quit seeing them before they left so I could get used to their absence rather than enjoying them while I had them. So I didn't quit until last Monday.
We are now almost 6 days into this. I've had no alcohol and I have had no difficulty because of missing it. Occasionally I have thought a drink would be nice, but it has not been a craving or even anything I could describe as a longing. I also did not suffer any huge detoxification effect that I can identify. It could be, I suppose, that the difficulties I had the beginning of last week were in part due to detox, but my symptoms were so very similar to t's, who doesn't drink at all, that I suspect it was simply my body adjusting to this radical diet.
Anyway, not only am I rigidly adhering to this diet, but I have put aside alcohol and will for at least 6 months and two weeks if not longer. Sheesh in April I'll not even be able to toast my 60th birthday. Quite a change for a life long drinker, but too, hopefully, I'll be 75 pounds lighter by then as well:) and well on my way to the 120 to 150 pound weight loss that has been predicted for me if I am compliant with "the program."
t and swan have both commented how impressed and relieved they are that this has not been a problem. A few weeks ago t and I both met with the mental health practitioner of the bariatric treatment team to discuss her concern about this and told her that if I said I would do something I would, and that included stopping drinking. I think she was dubious, but was actively suspending her disbelief in line with our reassurances. I am glad that my reality has born out that pledge.
Drink up readers. Mine tonight will be a frozen chocolate banana protein powder shake before bed:)
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
"It seems like all I ever do is pee"
Truly, one of the most obvious effects of this dietary regimen has been that each one of us is continually beating a path to the bathroom. Sorry, that is likely "too much information" for most people, but it is the plain and unvarnished truth.
So... in the midst of all this deadly serious counting of servings and pills and pounds, I wondered if there weren't some anthem appropriate to our circumstances, and thanks to the wonders of Google, I found just the thing. Enjoy!
Lyrics -- You're a nation bright as gold. You're a nation no one can hold. You're a nation in the morning You're a nation at night You're a nation in pain You're a nation in delight You're a nation of many fine colors You're a nation going every which way You're a nation that burns You're a nation that yearns You're a nation twists and turns You're a nation, You're a nation I love the land I live on I hope that you do, too You're a nation upon it, you know it's here for you The world watches you and me Do you know what they see? They see You're a nation, You're a nation on TV You're a nation, You're a nation You're a nation in pajamas You're a nation in your sleep You're a nation in your gym shorts Running down the street You're a nation together You're a nation alone You're a nation at work You're a nation at home You're a nation with the latest joke About ol' W. You're a nation for peace You're a nation of Red, White, and Blue
Day 5 progress
Well we managed to finish the work week and now we are on into the weekend. This morning t had lost nothing at her weigh in today so weighs 259 having lost 9 pounds. swan lost a pound and a half yesterday (she is quick to point out she re lost the pound she regained yesterday plus and additional half pound) so she's now lost 6 and a half pounds overall. I lost three and a half pounds yesterday and so have lost 13 and a half pounds so far. Between the three of us we have lost 29 pounds overall in just over 5 days.....EAT YOUR HEARTS OUT BIGGEST LOSERS!
All in all we are doing very well. I find that I am really in a fog. The sending the email to my ex in the raheretic email account Thursday is a good example. Just a few minutes ago I opened Internet Explorer and, having gotten it to open, I couldn't recall why I had come there. Then suddenly slowly the light turned on, "Oh yeah, I wanted to post on the Blog."
So anyway, I am hoping to do a lot of work here at home this weekend, if I can make my mind function well enough. We may be going to go to a movie later today, although we seem to be having trouble finding one we are interested in...we may be going to see Grand Tourino.
So this is where we are Saturday morning, and thank you again for all your support.
Through a fogged in low calorie befuddled brain,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Weekend Concerns
Not a bad start... 2 more days to go!
Day 4 Addendum
So congratulations t!!!!!
And NO!!!! Now you cannot GO TO TACO BELL!!!!! (like you would:)
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Friday morning and 4 days completed
Thank goodness t's 4 day work week ended yesterday so she will be able to sleep in today. Swan and I awakened to feel quite "hung over." I hate to suffer this when I've had nothing to drink. It just seems unfair somehow.
swan was actually up a pound today. We had a committee meeting last night at Panera and she had a regular soft drink. She is allergic to the sweetener in traditional diet soft drink. She is attributing her weight gain to the resulting sugar jolt and may be right. I lost 1 more pound. I am not surprised that we are seeing diminishing returns in terms of weight loss. I imagine by now I've lost all my water weight and so decreases now will not be as dramatic. I am though, now down precisely 10 pounds over the 4+ days we've been doing this. Hey if I could continue losing at the rate of a pound a day, I'd lose 20 pounds in the two weeks prior to my surgery (I'm not predicting this,,simply projecting:) My blood sugars this morning were 92 (92 yesterday too...I realized I didn't report that yesterday). I was feeling hungry when I got home yesterday before going back out for our meeting. I tested then and at 5:27 PM my blood sugar was 94. It appears my sugar control on this diet is excellent.
We had an interesting development. I spoke with my ex yesterday and she is back in town. Her mother is very ill and failing but it is not necessarily the case that her death is going to be immediate. She was willing to be "on-call" for my Dad in any emergencies that would erupt while t and I are incapacitated by our surgery. That was wonderful news. I contacted his independent living center and they have her down as contact for that time period. I phoned my dad about that and he is pleased and relieved. He has always had a very close and loving relationship with her. Then I emailed her to thank her and tell her his home was notified. I had been working on here and, inadvertently, I emailed her, not in the usual vanilla account I use for dealings with my family, but using my Raheretic email account. OOOPS! So last night signing on after our meeting I realized my mistake when I read her response (simply a very polite and gracious thank you)and realized it was in the Raheretic account.
Then as I checked statcounter, there it was. About an hour after I had written her there was an arrival at TheHeronClan by someone in Cincinnati. They had gotten there by performing a search for "raheretic." They were coming from the server at the organization where she works. They stayed for 3 hours and 28 minutes. Looking at some of the more analytical functions of statcounter, we can identify some of the posts she visited. She seems to have scrolled through much of the blog 20 posts at a whack. We are not certain if she visited this blog but it is likely. There have been a number of visits from Cincinnati, but we cannot trace them to what is more than likely her. So anyway the facade we've kept up, hiding in plain sight, is likely blown, at least with her. She is likely reconstructing her perception of our past in a new light. Hopefully this is not a development that will kick off any negative events. Life is just too complicated.
t is of course sleeping in this morning, so we will not know how she is doing until later, but she is getting a good and much needed rest.
Now on to day 5 and hopefully further weight loss and our health continuing to maintain despite this extreme diet.
Once again thank you to all of you for your support and the many lovely and supportive comments. I hope I have time and energy this weekend to make individualized responses.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Today I got flowers
The day is slow, so it was dragging like crazy and I have been quiet because I feel like screaming and crying........and the security guard downstairs called to say "You have a delivery".
One of ladies I work with said "It's not your birthday!".
And I got the most beautiful bouquet of flowers from my Spice! Red roses, red carnations, sunflowers, coxcombs, purple spiky-things....simply lovely. And brightens my day considerably.
I love youse guys!
Day 3 - Choppy Waters
t is feeling quite down this morning. She didn't sleep last night, and she lost no more weight yesterday. It seems talking with her she didn't feel like eating yesterday at work, skipped her two snacks, and so ate less than she should have in compliance with the program. I have reminded her they told us this might happen and that it was very important that we follow this regimen exactly, or we might have trouble. I wish so much we didn't have to work and I could just hug her all day and make sure she had what she should to feel better. Honey it will get better. We still have 11 days to go and we will lose more and you must follow this program and we will get through this and the surgery safely.
Anyway day three is past. I lost 2 more pounds and so am down 9 over the three days. T is still down 6 pounds. Six pounds weight loss in 3 days is nothing to be sneezed at. Too, it is important to recall that the purpose of this is not primarily weight loss, but shrinking our livers so that when we have our surgeries the liver is up and out of the surgeon's way. swan too has lost no more today. She did eat a little more yesterday (some left over pasta from the Friday night "last Italian dinner" I think). She is feeling better today and her color looks better. She had a long day, with an evening event at her school, and a migraine to boot, so her day was not a piece of cake by any measure either. So I would assume that means that we three are down 20 pounds to date. Too, if we count days as being from midnight to midnight, then at noon today (in 3 hours and 48 minutes:) we will be 25% of the way through this diet.
We are well begun on this process, even if there are struggles, and I love my t for her ability to tough this out, and love us through it, and my swan for her huge love and caring for us both. I don't know how I would make it without either of them.
Three days down and 11 to go.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Posted by Raheretic at 3/12/2009 0 comments Links to this post
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 2 Report
This morning I weighed 294.0 pounds and my blood sugar was 99. So my sugars are still in an ideal range (no sign of hypo-glycemia thank goodness) and I'm down exactly 7 pounds in the first 48 hours of this diet process. t has lost 5.5 pounds. swan has lost 6 pounds. The three of us have lost 18.5 pounds combined. The weight loss is very reinforcing. This diet really feels awful. I hope it continues to be effective in terms of weight loss. Of course I have no way to monitor how it is working in terms of its real goal, which is to shrink t's and my livers prior to surgery. Hopefully we are wringing the fat out of our livers just like wringing out a wet sponge:)
I can't tell you how much all of the comments we are getting here mean. When I check in and find one of you have given us encouragement, or suggestions, or whatever, it means such a great deal to me. I am sure swan and t feel very supported too.
On now to day 3. When that is done we will be over 20% of the way through this. This really feels like a marathon event. Hopefully it will not seem so long once it is done.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 1 of the pre-surgery preperatory"Fast"..on to Day 2
Dinner was a 1 cup lettuce tomato and onion salad with fat free Italian dressing, a yogurt, a chicken soup flavored protein drink, and some V-8 Juice. The salad too gave us the opportunity to chew something that was more solid food like. Swan did a wonderful job serving the salad so that it looked nice, and putting the V-8 in lovely crystal glasses, with candles lit, etc. She made it seem as much as possible like we were our family sharing our dinner. It felt more normal and like an evening meal for us all.
t and I snuggled some after dinner until I began feeling nauseous, and we got back up. We drank a good bit of tea last night...first regular tea....and then Sleepy Time herbal. swan gave me a wonderful massage before bed that worked to have me sleeping much better last night than I had Sunday night.
t seems to have felt pretty well yesterday although she said she had a headache part of the day and felt sort of weak and tired too. I felt really pretty sick.
But here we are at day 2. While I am hardly vibrant and sparkly, I am not feeling ill. And here are the results 24 hours in. I weighed 297.5 with blood sugar of 94. So I'm down 3.5 pounds. t is down 4 pounds. swan (who is doing a modified version of this, but whose diet mirrors ours closely) has lost 2.5 pounds. swan seems to have felt pretty much OK so far.
So it will be interesting to see how this goes. If t and I could feel as much better tomorrow and the next day as we are feeling better today we could actually be pretty well. Too, if the first day is any indication, we might actually have the 15 to 20 pounds weight loss we've been told to anticipate prior to our surgeries.
We are now committed and the process has begun.
All the best,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Day 1
None of us felt terrific. We had headaches and nausea and just a general lack of energy and vitality most of the day.
Still, we made it, and this morning?
Weight loss for all of us -- a family total of 10 pounds. Master's blood sugar numbers are excellent this morning.
In general, we all seem to be feeling better this morning, and we have encouraging early results.
So... on to day two.
Monday, March 9, 2009
We've Begun
I awakened to find I had gained two more pounds, so my true baseline weight is 301 not the 299 we posted yesterday with the pics of t and me. Even my blood sugar was higher than it has been for several weeks at 124. I guess all those brownies and chocolate ice cream last night, while sugar free and low fat, were not calorie and carb free:)
Well this begins the next phase as we ratchet up this adventure. I'm not freaked out but I can tell I feel stressed. I am sure this is just the beginning of a number of ensuing dramatic changes.
I guess you cannot change without change:)
All the best everyone and thank you to my swan and my t for your love and support. I could not do this without you two being by my side. It is our love that makes all this possible and necessary.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Last "Last Supper"
Grilled Lamb Chops for Tom & Sue/Grilled Steak w/sauteed onions for me
Sauteed potatoes with onions and yellow pepper
Mashed cauliflower casserole
Sugar Snap peas
S/F Brownie Pie with S/F Chocolate Ice Cream
We probably ate more than normal and are now watching "The Great Debater's" over hot tea and after-dinner cocktails for Tom.
I just finished packing my meals for work for tomorrow. And wanted to take a moment to let you know that all is good. We are doing fine today....we shall see what tomorrow brings.
Thanks for all of the support shown here over the past few days.
Pre-Surgery -- March 8, 2009
As of today, Master weighs 299 pounds, and T weighs 268 pounds.
We just now pulled out the camera and took pictures. These are our "benchmark" photos; the ones that we will be looking back to as a way to mark their progress.
They are both, darned adorable, as far as I'm concerned. So, there's nowhere to go but up from here.
2nd Last Supper
We got there late, after 9:30pm, and it was as if we were having a private family dinner in a public place. Very tasty and very nice.
Tonight is the LAST Last Supper. Tom is leaning to PF Changs (Chinese) or Red Lobster (Lobsterfest). Either will be delightful....especially when shared with my family.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
1st Last Supper
Last night was Italian. And we had a BLAST! Our dear friends, Tangerine Tease and her Squeeze met us at the local Carabbas and had a wonderful dinner. A couple of appetizers, salads, good wine, and pasta all shared with good friends.
Then we all came back to our places and visited until midnight. Normally on a weekday night, the 3 of us are wiped out. But with the combination of good food and great friends, we were rarin' to go.
Our thanks to TT & Squeeze for making one of our "Last Suppers" fun instead of mournful.
In our futures we will probably be sharing water and a walk instead of pasta and wine, but we know they will be there, supporting us all the way!
You both are the BEST! Thanks for everything!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tom Has Clearance!
We all appreciate a cautious Doc. We don't want Tom doing surgery to have a cardiac event on the operating table.....but I was ready to take a stick to the guy!
Today, it was as if Tom was seeing a different-Doc. Pleasant, agreeable, and says this will be great and it was especially good that we were both doing it together, supporting each other. Where the heck was THIS Doc last week??? I am wondering if there is an Evil-Twin somewhere that was locked in a closet today.
But, anyhoo.... we are good to go! "Last Suppers" are occurring. I have done a big-shop for most of the food-stuffs we will need over the next few weeks, months, etc. One of my co-worker's brought in Pizza today for everyone...Very tasty...guess it is my "Last Lunch"!
Look out Heidi Klum! Here I come!!!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Saying our Goodbyes

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
UNJURY Protein Pumpkin Pudding
1 Package (1.4 oz) Sugar-Free Vanilla Jell-O Instant Pudding Mix *
3/4 Cup water 2 scoops Vanilla UNJURY®
2 tbsp canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
1/2-1 tsp teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Measure 3/4 cup cold water (package directions calls for 2 cups milk)
Add two scoops of Vanilla UNJURY to the 3/4 cup of water
Mix thoroughly the dry UNJURY in water by shaking or stirring
Next, follow pudding package directions.
Empty the Jell-O Sugar Free Instant (Not Cooked) Dry Pudding Mix into a bowl.
Add pumpkin pie spice to dry pudding mix
Blend spice and dry pudding mix thoroughly with a fork
Pour in the previously-mixed UNJURY-and-water.
Add 2 tbsp canned pumpkin
Stir/Beat until thoroughly mixed (a wire whisk or mixer works best)
Place in small container and chill in the fridge. Top with 1 Tablespoon Fat-Free Cool Whip. Enjoy!
Makes about 3 servings Nutrition Facts per serving: 107 calories, 12 g carbohydrates, 3 g sugar, 14 g protein, 0 g Fat
UNJURY Protein Pumpkin Cheesecake
2 Packages (8 oz) Fat Free Cream Cheese
1/2 cup Fat Free Sour Cream
1 tbsp Butter
¾ cup Splenda 3 scoops Vanilla UNJURY®
1 1/2 cup canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
4 Eggs
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1 tsp Ground Ginger
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
¼ tsp Ground Cloves
Preheat oven to 300 degrees
Grease cheesecake pan with butter
Mix cream cheese, Splenda and vanilla extract in medium bowl until smooth (an electric -- mixer works best)
Add sour cream and pumpkin blend until distributed
Add eggs mixing after each one
Add Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg and Cloves mix until distributed
Measure 3 scoops of Vanilla UNJURY (be sure to mix thoroughly after each scoop)
Pour batter into greased cheesecake pan
Bake for 1 hour
Makes 12 servings Nutrition Facts per serving: 116 calories, 8 g carbohydrate, 3 g sugar, 3 g fat, 14 g protein
UNJURY® Jell-O Delight Cranberry Flavor
Use Sugar-Free Cranberry Jell-O *, 4 serving package Follow package directions for dissolving Jell-O in 1/2 - 3/4 cup of boiling water.
After dissolving, set aside to cool for 3 to 5 minutes.
In a different bowl, measure 1 cup of cold water. Add two scoops of Unflavored UNJURY to cold water, one scoop at a time, stirring slowly to dissolve.
Stir UNJURY mixed in cold water into dissolved Jell-O. Chill quickly.
The protein will settle somewhat to create a smooth cloud at the bottom. The taste is unchanged.
Nutrition Facts Per 1/2 cup Serving: 10 g Protein
.................Not bad, huh? More to come!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Upcoming Events
We had our final pre-surgery appointment with the surgeon and his staff yesterday (3/2/09).
We have an appointment on 3/16/09 at the hospital for pre-admission testing.
We have an appointment on 3/19/09 at our PCP for the pre-surgical exam.
And then we are at the hospital at 5am on 3/23/09 for surgery.
Finally!!! I feel like we have been chasing Doctors for weeks. And if I am stress out over keeping track of our shared schedule, Tom's individual schedule has been even more hectic. On top of our shared appointments, he has been to the endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, orthopedist, has had 1 stress test and is scheduled for another tomorrow, has an appointment for back injection the week before surgery. Then there are his father's appointments, that we share then handling of. And my weekly grocery shopping for Dad-in-Law, as well. And within all of that, we have had to maintain our work schedules, Tom's additional meetings (Day & Night ones), and try to find some down-time to get a break and recharge.
I think we are going to have to be hospitalized to get a break (g). Maybe they will give us big enough beds so Sue can crawl in with us an nap.
Sue mentioned that we were going to need a calendar to keep everything straight.....It better be a HUGE calendar, I'm just sayin'!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Long day.... Lots of information.....many answers.
Starting next Monday, March 9th we begin the pre-surgery diet, designed to shrink the liver before surgery and to give us a healthy start to our new US!
We need to have 4 servings (Tom) or 3 servings (Teresa) of Unjury protein powder (chocolate, vanilla, unflavored, or chicken flavored) in skim milk or non-milk liquids (2 of each).
We are to include,only, 6 servings daily of approved food list:
1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce or fresh fruit (if berries, it can be a full cup)
1/2 cup sugar-free, fat-free pudding
6 oz. light, sugar-free, fat-free yogurt
1/2 cup cream of wheat, cream of rice, or oatmeal
1 cup tomato juice or V-8 juice, or sugar-free V-8 Splash
Small salad (lettuce, tomato, onion) with fat-free dressing
Small Vegetarian Vegetable soup (ie. Amy's or Hain)
Drink water or sugar-free (caffeine-free, uncarbonated) beverages as needed during day (6-8 cups of additional fluid daily)
Not much, huh? Well, here is an example meal plan:
Morning Meal - 1 serving Chocolate or Vanilla Unjury powder mixed with skim milk
1/2 cup Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal
1 cup V-8 or Tomato juice
Snack - 1 cup sugar-free pudding or Unjury High Protein pudding
Midday Meal - 1 serving unflavored Unjury powder mixed with 8 oz Crystal Light
6 oz Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Yogurt
Snack - 1 cup sugar-free Jello or Unjury High Protein Jello
Evening Meal - 1 serving Chicken soup flavored Unjury mixed with warm water
1 cup V-8 or Tomato juice
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
Bedtime Snack - 1 serving of Chocolate or Vanilla Unjury powder mixed with skim milk
6 oz Fat-Free, Sugar-Free Yogurt
Vitamins will be forever part of our lives.
Centrum Silver Chewables - 2 daily
Calcium Citrate Chewables - 6 daily
B-12 - depending on delivery system, either daily or weekly
Actigal - daily for 6 months to eliminate potential for gall stones
Usually, people having this surgery have private rooms at the hospital. They are making arrangements so we will share a room. This way, the 3 of us can have eyes on each other and Sue will have less traveling. She says she is going to sit between the 2 of us and push our pain medication plungers for us. We have stressed that Sue is part of our family and she is to be informed about our care. We have listed each other as being able to get info about each other.
We are to arrive at the hospital at 5am on March 23rd. All the prep stuff and a shot of heparin in the tummy (ouch!) before surgery and each day we are in hospital. Originally, they planned on doing Tom first and me 2nd. Tom doesn't care about the order, but I do. I really prefer going first so I can get it done and not sit and stress over BOTH surgeries of a couple of hours. Yes, I am being a wimp...but this is about the only thing that has me a bit wigged.
We will be in surgery for about 1 1/2 hours... in recovery for about 2 hours.. and in hospital 2-3 days after surgery. If one of us is ready to leave before the other, they will keep us together so we can come home together. Again, this will make Sue's life easier, too.
They says we should expect to be off work 6 weeks, with the potential of returning earlier if we feel like it.
Today, it seemed more "REAL". I mean, I have known for days that this was approved and scheduled....but today it seemed more like we are steaming on to a new life. Exciting and scary at the same time.
I am 5'2" tall and (today) weigh 268.2 lbs. Can't wait to see where I am in 6 mos.!