But, as slim as He is getting, there is this hernia that is beginning to look like something right out of a science fiction movie. Our primary care doctors do not seem to think that this "critter" is presenting any immediate medical problem, but it really does seem to be getting bigger day by day, and He is beginning to talk about consulting with the surgeon who did the stomach bypass about correcting this...
Don't talk about talking to the surgeon, do it NOW...
Owner of morningstar
agree with Sir! That is NOT something I would leave - it looks extremely uncomfortable apart from anything else! (but also, awesome about the belly - or lack thereof!).
I was told I had a hernia last year when I was at the doctor's and she saw me sit up. I had no clue I had one and it still doesn't bother me.
If it's not causing a problem and the docs aren't worried, well...
Hernia ops hurt. My brother and my DIL had one.
I have had 7 hernias....4 of them at one time!
Tom and Sue have been through several of them with me. We know what the future looks like and are not thrilled.
BUT! Once he has lost all the weight, the surgeon will fix his "pooch", he will get good drugs, and the care of his chickies.
What more could a man ask for??
Sir, selkie, and Amber thank you for your concern and reaction. I saw my surgeon this morning. When I told him I had a hernia he wanted to see me immediately. He tells me I have a very large hernia, as a result of the post operative infection after the gastric bypass eating my abdominal fascia. He tells me that it will be much better if I wait to have the surgery until I reach my optimal weight (165 lbs.). He also tells me that because of the size of the hernia it will be quite painful and that he will have me in the hospital for two days for pain control. So we are imagining surgery next December while swan is on Christmas break.
Also this was the first he had seen me in a couple of months and he was way pleased with my weight loss. He said I was in the 90th percentile for weight loss what with my current loss and the time it has been since my surgery. He tells me my ideal weight is 165 pounds and that he fully expects that with my performance to date I will likely achieve that! My god I cannot imagine weighing 165 pounds. That would mean I'd lost 136 pounds total. I'm down 87 now so 49 more pounds to lose.....and the crazy thing it that seems like not so much to lose after what I've experienced the last three and a half months.
BTW he tells me not to expect any trouble in the meantime, and that there is no reason to avoid lifting or anything. That the damage that will occur already has.
We just returned from buying me an abdominal binder which holds my hernia in and I both feel and look way better as a result of wearing it. I imagine that is going to be a fixture for the next 5 months or so until I have this fixed.
Anyway that's the report. Sir and selkie I am glad I took your advice and saw him right away. Amber, too I am not rushing into having this repaired either, especially in that there appears to be medical advantage to waiting until I've lost more weight.
Thank you all again,
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.
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