I am continually fascinated by the incredible changes that have come about as we've progressed through this process. Just the other day, Master had occasion to "dress up" for a photo shoot at His office. We got Him all gussied up and on His way, and as it turned out, the photo ended up being a really good one. Then we got to talking about the event that we attended last October -- another one of those "dress up" occasions. We took some photos then, too. Just in case you were wondering, this is a really good illustration of the benefits of bariatric weight loss surgery...
This was
October, 2008:
And this is
August, 2009:
Perhaps it's just the expression...
But looking at the two pictures, I swear it isn't just weight that's missing.
It seems there is a strain missing from your smile, and years missing from your face.
You look so much more at ease, or something. Maybe I'm not saying it right...
But in any case, way to go, all of you.
~Chloe, formulating new questions... :)
oh wow !!!! what a difference!!!
i have a quick question.. do you find - besides the clothes not fitting - that your shoes don't fit too??
morningstar (owned by Warren)
wow- what a totally handsome man you are Tom! And I agree with Chloe- there is MORE than weight missing!
wow. I don't see a huge difference in the expression of the face...in fact, i think they are quite equal. I think the confidence and sincerity shine through more with the thinner face. I have a friend who lost over 125 lbs the same way that Tom did, and she was beautiful before she started the process (at least i thought so), but she became even more so as she went through the change brought on by her weight loss. She was always confident and capable, but i think more people recognized her as such simply because she lost her 'baggage'. Her life has progressed incredibly since she transformed...i'll never understand why people didn't accept her as she was before, because she was the same smart, hard working, forward thinking woman when she was heavier as she is now. Now she is just prettier...so the corporate big whigs listen to her more? i don't know...but it's what i see. Keep up the fascinating transformation, if for no other reason than it makes you feel better.
I do agree there is a sense of something more besides the weight. And those eyes... they became a focal point. You look like Anthony Hopkins!! (noooo no reference to silence of the lambs.... laughs)
Job well done!!
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